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Volunteer Spotlight: Eileen Roche

Eileen has been GirlVentures’ volunteer photographer since 2017, photographing our Galas and summer courses, and them becoming a Girls Climb On mentor. She's even been co-organizing career events for our participants! We asked Eileen to share a bit more about her own career journey, and why she’s part of the GirlVentures community. You can see some of Eileen’s photography for GirlVentures here and her professional portfolio here

When you were in middle/high school, what did you want to do as an adult? How did you end up becoming a photographer?

I became interested in photography in high school. After a failed run for student government, a teacher suggested that yearbook staff might be a better fit for me. My dad and his grandfather shared my interest in photography, so I inherited an old Pentax and my dad taught me how to load film and read the light meter (on a backpacking trip, actually). At the time, the only professional photographer I knew of worked for the local newspaper. I didn't think I wanted to do that, so I just saw photography as a hobby. My interests were varied and when I entered college, I was thinking about everything from law, to international relations, to child development, to agriculture. 

What do you love most about your career? What's difficult about it? 

I love the breadth of subject matter and locations the job takes me to, as well as controlling my schedule. It's a dream for me to have the flexibility to be able to join GirlVentures for an overnight kayaking trip in the middle of the week. Unfortunately, though, the reality of life as a professional photographer is a lot of time alone in front of the computer working on editing, admin, and marketing. I always feel like there's more I could be doing for my business. I have a great support group of fellow women creative business owners (we call ourselves the Office of Accountability), who help me to prioritize and stay motivated.   

What motivates you to spend time in nature? 

The way it makes me feel! I live in the city and find myself craving sunshine, fresh air, and quiet. The views and smells and sounds...when I get outside, it makes me feel calm, invigorated, and inspired.   

How did you first get involved with GirlVentures, and what keeps you with us?

I first got involved by volunteering to photograph the annual gala. After that, I was a mentor for Girls Climb on and started photographing the summer programs.  

I love what Girl Ventures offers young women in our community and they way the programs are structured feels really enriching. I see problem solving, teamwork, conflict management, and discussions of body image, emotions, goals, all under the framework of outdoor education and adventure. My hope is that the youth in the programs take these lessons into other relationships, become better citizens, stewards of the land, and rise to their potential as leaders.  

What's one of your favorite memories with GirlVentures?

This summer, I photographed the first day of kayaking with the Project Courage group and later that week, I met up with that same group to backpack into a new camp. The girls recognized and welcomed me and I was struck by how much more comfortable they had become with each other and the tasks that setting up camp required. They included me in their after dinner circle and shared deep personal discussion. It was special to be part of and see how much they had grown in just 4 days.